
Nha Trang City, Vietnam
I am told that Vietnamese learners of English "...don't want to cook rice - they want to eat it." This blog is for Vietnamese who have eaten their rice without cooking it: they can pass the tests but cannot understand the teachers in a foreign classroom; they have gotten a hotel job but the foreign guests do not understand what they say; and they can talk with foreigners but often must say things two or three times before being understood. This blog is for the other Vietnamese who must listen to and speak the sounds and grammar of English; the other Vietnamese who know that rice is much better if it is cooked.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Translate to Vietnamese

You can translate this blog to Vietnamese using Google "Translate." These translations are helpful but imperfect.

1 comment:

  1. Brad, Hien and I are practicing our English and Vietnamese by translating your blog together. But, the translation is not good because we don't know each other's language very well.
